[Tagame Gengoroh] Gedo no Ie Gekan [Chinese](10)
[田亀源五郎] 外道の家 〈下巻〉 [中国翻訳]
- 相关日本漫画
[Gengoroh Tagame] Gay boy [CHS]
[Tagame Gengoroh] Gedou no Ie Gekan | House of Brutes Vol. 3 Ch. 1 [English]
Kinniku Otoko vol.05 [Chinese]
[Tagame Gengoroh] Gedou no Ie Joukan | 邪道之家 Vol. 1 Ch.1 [Chinese]
[Tagame Gengoroh] Mesu buta no tengoku [Chinese]
[合志]癡漢電車 特集02
[Tagame Gengoroh] Gedou no Ie Chuukan House of Brutes Vol. 2 Ch. 8 [English]
[Bear's Cave (Tagame Gengoroh)] Jubaku no Seiyatsu - Khoz, The Spellbound Slave [English] [Digital]